Flower-filled garden in Ealing (W5)


This large informal Ealing garden had previously been used for ping pong, trampolining, and family life. As the children grew up and the trampoline was removed, there was more room for growing beautiful plants. We reduced the size of the lawn and added deep curved borders which we filled with joyous combinations of plants providing a long season of interest.

Plants were selected on the basis of shape and texture as well as their colour, with grasses in particular providing a sense of movement. The flower border colour schemes range from harmonious combinations of soft blues, and gentle mauves and purples to vividly contrasting pink and orange.

Shrubs and trees take centre stage in the spring and autumn displays. These include the gentle spring pinks of camellias and malus, and the vibrant autumn reds of stag’s horn sumach and virginia creeper.


Elegant garden in conservation area in Chiswick (W4)


Colourful New Malden garden